Today is the first day I drove all by my own!
All this long, whenever I drove, at least 1 of my parents or both of them will sitting beside with me. But today, I drove alone, ALONE! No 1 else in the car with me! It feel SO... COOL!
Today morning I had my Chinese Class, but my parents had to came to factory before my class started. So they leave me with Proton Saga so that I can drove to my class in time then came to factory after my class. Well, after class I went to One Price Shop instant of factory.
Compare the experience of driving with my parents, I feel driving alone is more confident and relax. When my parents are with me, I was so... being control and pressure... Wonder why? Because my dad said a sentence that make me so control. And the sentence sound like this:"Your speed limit in this age is 20 km/h." When he told me that, I was like:"W.T...." Well, of course I dint speak out those words, I just whisper in my heart.(If I did so... wow... Can't image where I am now...) So I had to control my speed in below 40 km/h.(I sure many drivers behind me curse me a lot...)
This is a fresh for me, and I really enjoy driving alone!
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